A Transformational Retreat.
Sometimes we get stuck on the hamster wheel of life. We wake up, rush to get ready, go to work, come home, cook dinner, sleep & repeat -- it’s exhausting just thinking about it. Day after day, we end up with this feeling of ‘something is missing’, a feeling of unfulfillment, a feeling of wanting more -- yet we just continue because we are fearful. We are fearful of change, the unknown and what others will think of us. As humans, we know it’s natural to feel this way, not to like discomfort, so instead we choose to just stay comfortable. What many of us forget is ‘no pain no gain’ and without discomfort how do we really expand & evolve ourselves? Before we know it, years pass by. We start getting sick, tired, our bodies are just not as strong as they used to be. We have our bucket list, but too ‘busy’ with work that we just don’t get to it. This precious, miraculous life that we were given keeps fizzling away in front of our own eyes, and with our own choice! Each of us so blessed, so unique. We are so fortunate our karma has brought us into this world as beautiful sentient beings. We were born into different families, different environments, with different experiences that has carved us into who we are today. We have so much to give, so much to share, so much to teach. Let us begin this journey together. A journey of self-discovery, self-learning & inquiry, and let us share, love & heal together. I would love to get to know you, to be your host on this quest to discover and explore majestic India, one of the most spiritual centers of our world. We will go through all the personal experiences that have truly transformed me, and have resulted in life-changing shifts, of which my life has truly never been the same. I am so excited for you to discover for yourself that you too can be free, uncover your true radiant light and live the happy, peaceful, fulfilled life that we all deserve to live. Let us always remember -- the entire universe is throbbing in our hearts. The entire existence is breathing in our lungs. Let us surrender to what is and in that surrender the door will open, and lead us to re-awaken to that which we already are. Let us never look back. Namaste,Anjli xo